Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Water, Water Everywhere

Cross-Country Trip, Day 12

Nashville, TN to Asheville, North Carolina

We had miserable weather on our way out of Nashville, and Marina's driving was heroic.

When we finally got away from the rain, the Blue Ridge Mountains rose like temptresses, drawing us closer to one of our favorite places in the world, Asheville, North Carolina.

About 10 years ago, we shopped real estate in Asheville in a serious way.  We were all set to move here and set up ranch with horses, goats, chickens and ducks, but as often happens, life took a different turn and set us down in Los Angeles instead.

Our first stop this time was for groceries at Earth Fare and I felt like we were back in LA again, with all the beautiful organic fruits and vegetables from California, except that I had sticker shock when we were rung up at the cash register.  Not counting the wine and beer, we spent close to $100 for a couple bags of produce and packaged goods.  It turned out to be worth every penny because we thoroughly enjoyed our picnic of curried almond pate, untuna vegan salad, marcona almonds, olives and black sesame seed brown rice crackers.  But I'm scooping myself.  That picnic came two days later, at the Lake.

After days of wandering through Texas and Arkansas and Oklahoma, it was good to be wandering the food aisles of a decent supermarket with my people again -- people who enjoyed eating healthy food and didn't mind paying an arm and a leg for it.   Now that's California!  But wait . . . we weren't in California, we were in Asheville.

We stayed with one of my dearest friends, Burt, whom I've known for almost 25 years.    Here's the view from his pied-a-terre in Asheville.

After a bit of catching up with Burt and meeting his new beau, Ronnie (the epitome of a Southern gentleman!), we went to dinner at Mela, an Indian restaurant that does a terrific job combining traditional dishes with Western elements, such as tandoori shrimp on a Caesar salad.   Of course we stuck to the tried and true veg thali, which was pretty good.

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