Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Temple of Nature

 Jalori Pass (October 12, 2014)

Sadly, we had to take our leave of Himalayan Trout House, the village of Nagini, and the Tirthan Valley. Breakfast the next day was a long round of good-byes, until we pulled ourselves away and started on the drive to Shimla.  Raja had recommended that we go via the Jalori Pass, a longer route on a country road, because it would be far less crowded and the views were spectacular.  I was hesitant to do a 7-hour journey on winding mountain roads because of motion sickness, but it turned out to be worth it.  The views were majestic, and no amount of description could do them any justice.  

Spectacular view from Jalori Pass road

Majestic Himalayan mountains

Close-up of a peak viewed from Jalori Pass road

Long view

More amazing valley views

The Himalayas have had a mystical hold on me for much of my life.  These mountains are the birthplace of many of the gods of Hindu mythology, and the setting for many archetypal stories.  For years, I have wondered what it would be like to live as a Himalayan hermit; I have closed my eyes and imagined viewing the earth from its high ridges.  Jalori Pass is the mountain pass at the top of a particular range and the views from the road approaching the top filled me with awe and wonder at this incredible place we call Earth.  She is a mother and she is beautiful, and we must learn to respect her.  A camera cannot capture the three-dimensional perspective nor the multi-dimensional feeling of gazing out around you from a height of 10,800 feet.  I can understand why people endure extreme conditions in search of the last great wild places on Earth.  There are so few left, and that feeling of being surrounded by nature is as close as some people get to seeing God.  The silence, the reverence, in the Golden Temple of the Sikhs and in the temple complex of the Dalai Lama had the same quality as out here, in the temple of nature, above these majestic mountains steeped in snow and silence.

As we left the high pass and descended down the other side of the mountain, the landscape changed again.  Finally, we approached the seven hills of Shimla as the sun was setting, and a long and beautiful day of travel came to an end.

Seven Hills of Simla

Approach road to Shimla from Jalori Pass

Descending into the valley from Jalori Pass 

Seven Hills of Shimla

Approaching Shimla at sunset

Sunset over seven hills of Simla

Another sunset shot

Last sunset shot

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